To impart lifelong communication skills in cultural context. We aim to take our students from zero (or almost!) to intermediate competency across five years. Our students should:
- Enjoy varied learning activities adapted to their own starting point and ability, which encompass all four skills, and develop the confidence to communicate in speech and writing.
- Understand how their knowledge of Spanish can relate to a second foreign language (French or home languages).
- Experience foreign languages in context through visits abroad and links with other schools (to be developed).
KS3 Westbourne Journey Spanish
KS4 Westbourne Journey Spanish
Y7 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Spanish
Y8 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Spanish
Y8 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Adapted Post Corona Spanish
Y8 Westbourne Adusted Curriculum Overview Spanish HT4
Y9 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Beginners French
Y9 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Spanish
Y10 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Spanish 2022
Y11 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Spanish 2022
Key Stage 3:
Students acquire grammatical and lexical knowledge across a range of familiar topics, eg Family, Holidays and use of Modern Technology. Focus is placed on the aspects of grammar below:
- Nouns and articles
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Present past and future tenses
- Expressing opinions
Key Stage 4:
Students acquire a wider range of vocabulary and begin to communicate with increased confidence. They tackle a broader range of topics, e.g. a half-term of study dedicated to Environmental and Global Issues and the World of Work. Key Stage 3 grammar is revisited and enhanced with a wider range of tenses and structures, e.g. conditional, present continuous and use of pronouns.
Students at Westbourne benefit from a generous MFL allocation of 4 hours per fortnight at KS3 and 5 hours per fortnight at KS4, ideally divided into 1-hour slots. Reinforcement is provided through weekly homework tasks.
GCSE Examination Board: AQA
GCSE Assessment Method:
100% Examination:
Paper 1: Listening (25%; 35 minutes Foundation & 45 minutes Higher)*
Paper 2: Speaking (25%; exam conducted by teachers in Apr / May of Year 11); 7-9 minutes Foundation & 10-12 minutes Higher)
Paper 3: Reading (25%; 45 minutes Foundation & 60 minutes Higher)
Paper 4: Writing (25%; 60 minutes Foundation & 1 hour 15 minutes Higher)
Where Languages can take you:
We believe that learning languages helps our students become global citizens. They develop transferrable communication and problem-solving skills that form part of lifelong learning and are very much in demand in the world of work. They also enhance their knowledge of and respect for other cultures. We place equal value on all foreign languages and are proud to be offering French as well as Spanish to approximately 50% of our students in KS3 (commencing with Year 9 from Sep 22). We will offer French GCSE as well as Spanish in 2023. We expect our Year 11 students to be ready for the transition