Nightingale facts and figures

Florence Nightingale was born on 12th May 1820. When she was in her early thirties she went to the Crimean War to nurse wounded soldiers. Unlike most girls of her age and status Florence did not just want to be someone’s wife she felt that she was destined to do great work. She and her team of nurses saved many lives. Florence helped to make hospitals the success they are now. She showed that cleaner hospitals with well trained nurses improved recovery. Her passion and selflessness has helped shape todays modern healthcare.

House colour: Purple

Assembly day: Thursday

Head of House: Mr Aaron Durrant

Pastoral Lead: Mrs Mandy Jones

Nightingale’s Ethos

Nightingale’s house ethos is together we achieve! We know that positive thinking and good behaviour improves results. We aspire to be the best we can. We believe that as a house we have the responsibility to make sure those around us can learn and succeed. We will model good behaviour which will, in turn, improve our own outcomes. We will always try our best and will ask for help if we need it. Like Florence we will do not what is expected, but much more! This will allow us to advance as individuals and team Nightingale.