What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently receiving or who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings. Also included are children from ‘Service’ families and those who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, including those who have been adopted. Students should have the opportunity to achieve well regardless of their economic or social situation. This money helps us to support these students to succeed.

Our Statement of Intent

Westbourne is an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential and develop the skills necessary for employment and life.

Our academy values are linked to our STAR ethos where we want to embed the key skills which all students need, not just in school but in the wider world. We want our students to be safe, thoughtful, accountable and respectful. We have high expectations of our students and want to ensure that all students, regardless of background, achieve academically but also become well rounded and thoughtful citizens.

We also want to fully embed LORIC throughout the academy in order to ensure that students leave the academy with the skills needed to ensure they are successful in life outside Westbourne.

We want to ensure that our disadvantaged pupils achieve in line with their peers and hopefully exceed their own expectations. Our strategy is built around the following key principles:

    • Achievement – ensuring that all students have the opportunity to achieve or exceed expectations. We want all students to leave Westbourne with the best possible outcomes.
    • Attendance – it is crucial that students attend the academy and we will ensure that all barriers to attendance are removed and offer interventions to support students when necessary.
    • Reading – we know that reading is a key to success in all subjects and we want to promote a culture where reading is celebrated and where students can have additional support when needed.
    • Motivation – we want our students to enjoy learning and be committed to their learning.
    • Behaviour and social communication a higher proportion of PP students have higher levels of behaviour incidents and suspensions. We want to put processes in place to support students as much as possible.
    • Home Learning – we recognise the importance of home learning and this has been magnified due to the aftermath of the pandemic. We want to ensure that our learners have access to all the tools at home to support their achievement.
    • SEMH – there has been a distinct increase in the number of students who need support in terms of their mental health. In certain cases, this is leading to Emotional Based School Avoidance. We recognise that we need to offer tailored SEMH support to help students as much as possible.

Enrichment and cultural opportunities – we need to provide as many opportunities for students to participate in extra curricular activities and also opportunities to extend their cultural capital.

How we use the Pupil Premium at Westbourne Academy.

Covid Catch-up Premium Funding

You can view the report on how we intend to allocate and spend the Covid-19 catch-up premium funding on our policies page here.

Year 7 Catch-up Funding 

Year 7 Catch-up Funding Statement

This document details how the academy spent the catch-up funding for Year 7 students who started at the academy in September 2019 and how the academy intends to spend the catch-up premium in 2020/2021.

If you would like any further information about how we are funded and how we ensure that we maximise the benefit of all funding, please do not hesitate to contact us.


How to Apply for Free School Meals 

To apply for Free School Meals for your child, please follow the link below to the PARENTS page of our website. Here you will find more details on eligibility and how to apply online with Suffolk County Council.