At Westbourne Academy we try to offer all our students in Key Stage 3 and 4 a variety of trips to enrich our curriculum subjects, whilst nurturing enquiring minds.

Example of typical trips in KS3 (Years 7, 8 & 9)

HISTORY – The Imperial War Museum, London and The Holocaust Exhibition

TECHNOLOGY – The Design Museum London and Warner Bros Studios

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION  – Sikh Gurdawa, St Thomas The Apostle Church

LANGUAGES – Christmas Markets in France, Barcelona in Spain and The Europa Centre

PE – Annual Area Crosscountry competition as well as inter school competitions in a range of sports

CAREERS – Suffolk Skills Show at Trinity Park, taster experience days and universities in the Eastern region

Students may have the opportunity to attend a residential trip in Year 7 and or Year 8 depending on interest and financial viability.

Example of typical trips in KS4 (Years 10 & 11)

GEOGRAPHY – London/Essex/Suffolk using different sites for the purpose of local regeneration and to practise field work skills.

DRAMA – West End Production/theatre visits

PHOTOGRAPHY – London – Photography Workshops, local destinations to capture coursework material

HISTORY – Residential trip to Ypres to see the Battlefields of WW1 and Disneyland Paris

COMPUTING – Coding competitions at BT Martlesham

PE – Annual Area Crosscountry competition as well as inter school competitions in a range of sports

CAREERS – in partnership with NEACO and the University of Suffolk, students in Years 9 and 10 have had opportunities to spend the day at Cambridge University looking at languages or maths or the UEA. Year 10 students will choose a post-16 event at either Suffolk New College, Northgate Sixth Form or Suffolk ONE in the summer term.

Students may also take part in individual subject trips such as Maths enrichment days or Physics at Work or Food and Farming events, all aimed at providing students with motivation and aspirational goals during their studies.

The academy understands that educational visits can place additional financial pressures on households and endeavours to provide value for money and subsidise to trips wherever possible, along with offering payment options.


Parent Consent Form

Each trip requires every student to have prior parental consent and up to date emergency contact and medical details.  This information is given by email direct from Evolve, our trip management system. Paper forms are available upon request from the trip leader where access to the internet is not available. Printed forms contain sensitive and personal information and must be returned to school via the confidential drop box outside the Attendance office in a sealed envelope.