We use the app MCAS (MyChildatSchool) service to enable parents and carers to pay online for their child’s meals, trips, music lessons, revision guides, calculators, House ties etc.
We are a cashless school. We are not in a position to accept cash or cheque payments in school. This affects payment for meals, music lessons, school trips and visits, sketch books/revision guides etc. Instead parents need to use the MyChildatSchool app on their device.
New to MyChildatSchool?
When your child starts at the academy, you will be invited to self-sign-up for MCAS using the instructions below:
This is a secure online account, activated using a the email address that we hold on record for you.
What happens if I do not use MCAS?
Our Food Hall are completely cashless and are not equipped to handle cash payments. It is therefore crucial that you register and use cashless catering via MCAS not only for food purchases but for trips and visits and other purchases through school. We request that your child does not carry cash with them in the academy.
Students without money on their cashless catering accounts will not be able to purchase food or drink from the premises. Instead they will need to bring a packed lunch and appropriate refreshment.
Does this affect free school meals?
Students eligible for free school meals will be able to spend up to the daily allowance and anything bought over this allowance will be charged to your child’s cashless catering account. Parents and carers will be able to top up their child’s account through MCAS. Parents will also be able to pay for trips and visits or other purchases through the School Money account.
If you would like to speak to someone at school about MCAS, please contact the Data Team via email at wes-data@attrust.org.uk. Alternatively we run parent/carer drop-in clinics on Tuesdays at 11:20am – 12:00. Just come along to Reception with your device and ask for Mrs Hanson.