GCSE Results 2023

Number of pupils in cohort for GCSE: 175

Quote/Comment from the Principal, Mark Bouckley:

I am very proud of the hard work and dedication of our staff and Year 11 students which paid off and produced some excellent results. Students missed significant chunks of their schooling in Year 8 and 9 due to the impact of the pandemic and further challenges and disruption over the past 12 months. All of our staff and students have worked tirelessly to support each other, plug gaps in knowledge, and repair the foundations that were missing as a legacy of the pandemic. Particular praise goes to our vocational subjects together with Maths and Science who attained some pleasing results.

These results underline what we have achieved in our truly inclusive academy. The dedication of our excellent pastoral/SEND teams working closely with parents and carers means that many students have been able to overcome the barriers and challenges of the academic world. Particular noteworthy students include Summer B, Ben J and Kevin S who achieved 15 grade 9’s between them and Lillie L, Jess L and Emilija A who achieved a substantial number of top grades. Additionally, Mikey N and Ruby C have overcome some significant challenges and have shown exceptional resilience to achieve grades that reflect their potential.

Quote/Comment from Directory of Secondary Education, Garry Trott:

I would like to congratulate students not only on their achievements today, but also their resilience through the post-pandemic uncharted waters. I would also like to thank parents and carers, who share in today’s success, for their ongoing support. As a trust, we are very appreciative of the skill and dedication of our staff at Westbourne Academy and their contribution in achieving these results. We wish our students all the very best as they start the next stage of their education using these results as a strong foundation.  

GCSE Results Summary

Key Stage 4 GCSE Results Summary2016-172017-182018-192019-20*2020-21*2021-222022-23
Basics 4+ English and Maths combined58%60%61%64%70%65%54%
Basics 5+ English and Maths combined37%44%43%45%49%45%37%
Attainment 844.0342.6746.8246.5347.874.54.0
Progress 8 score0.06- Available-0.30
% achieving the Ebacc12%17%24%27%21%Not Available13%
% entering the Ebacc17%29%54%49%63%Not Available20%

*these results are not comparable as results were generated from Centre Assessed and Teacher Assessed grades

Our GCSE results reflect the inclusivity of Westbourne in several ways.

An inclusive academy is one that creates an environment where all pupils, regardless of their background, abilities, or needs, are given the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential.  It is part of our vision where… we are “an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential.”

Our results, fluctuate due to a diverse yearly cohort and whilst our latest results above once again show, along with the graphic, that those who attend at least 95% continue to excel, for other pupils’ success may look different:

  • Some pupils might need extra support with disabilities or additional needs and are provided with the necessary accommodations to take their exams on a level playing field with their peers to perform better than they might have without it.
  • Other pupils might have challenging backgrounds and therefore need targeted support and creating an inclusive and caring academy environment, these pupils can have a good chance to succeed in their education and moving onto the next post 16 stage.

In summary, GCSE results can be a reflection of the inclusivity of an academy when they show that all pupils, regardless of their background or abilities, have the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential. It’s not just about overall results but also about ensuring that no student is left behind and that disparities are reduced or eliminated.

It is only human nature to make direct comparisons with other schools and it is important to note that were we to remove from the statistics the pupils described above our outcome data would be highly competitive with other schools.

Destination Data 6 Year Trend

College/Sixth Form82889393868789
Other Education and Employment4421241
% in sustained education, employment or training after two terms92899395919895
Moved out of County1202602
Unknown / NEET7212223

Performance Measures

You can view the government’s Performance Measures for our academy on their website here.