Key Principles

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: all staff, governors and volunteers must fulfil their full role in keeping children safe.  We have a whole school approach to safeguarding.  This means ensuring safeguarding and child protection are at the forefront and underpin all relevant aspects of process and policy development and operate in the best interests of the child.

A child-centred approach: a clear understanding of the needs and views of children. We recognise the importance of enabling children to talk openly about anything that worries them and to feel confident that they will be listened to or access well publicised systems for reporting or disclosing abuse or harm.

At Westbourne,

WE WILL: Establish and maintain an environment where students feel safe and secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.

WE WILL: Ensure that students know that there are adults within the academy who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.

WE WILL: Include activities and opportunities in the curriculum, which equip students with the skills they need to stay safe from all forms of abuse and to stay safe online.

WE WILL: Ensure that, wherever possible, every effort will be made to work closely with parents, the local community and outside agencies.

Click on the text below to view our safeguarding information, key contacts and sources of advice:

WA Safeguarding Flyer SEP24

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Carol Clarke –

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Kim Jacobs –



Making Safe Choices: The Dangers of Vaping

National statistics show vaping is increasing amongst children. This is a worrying statistic, particularly considering some of the unknowns around the long-term dangers.

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), responding to this worrying statistic, has released new national guidance for schools in connection with this increased risk to the health of our students.

What we do know from the evidence available, is that vaping is dangerous and addictive, and can lead on to more serious substance abuse.

We are, once again, sharing the dangers of vaping with all students through tutor time and PSHE lessons. All students are also clear that vapes are on our banned item list and students can be suspended for up to three days for possessing or using these on the academy premises. The law states it is illegal for those under the age of 18 to buy or use vapes.

Furthermore, we will be liaising with our local Schools Police liaison officer who will be working to ensure vapes are not sold illegally in local shops. According to the police, this has been an increasing problem as well as the issue of companies deliberately targeting young people through making vapes with sweet, enticing flavours.

We would encourage all parents/carers to have conversations with their child(ren) to ensure they fully understand the dangers, law, and academy rules around vaping.

Resource 1: FRANK

Resource 2: BBC News 1

Resource 3: BBC News 2

Resource 4: BBC News 3

Useful Resources for Parents/Carers

Parent/Carers and students may find the following externally run sites useful:

Suffolk County Council – Online Safety and PREVENT information aimed at parents to support them in understanding and to raise awareness of Online Safety in relation to Preventing Radicalisation.
Online Safety Factsheet Oct 2023

Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board – Information and advice aimed at parents/carers on your child’s wellbeing.

Educate against hate – Information and support for parents/carers on the issues surrounding extremism and radicalisation and how to protect your child.

Young Minds – Information and advice for parents/carers on young people’s behaviour and mental health.

NSPCC – The underwear rule – Guidance designed to help parents/carers start conversations with young people to help protect them from abuse.

There is also a guide for parents/carers of young people with autism:
There is also a guide for foster carers:

Family Lives – A charity set up to help support parents/carers with the changes families go through. This includes a confidential helpline and online chat.

CEOP – Information to help parents/carers protect their children from online abuse. Also includes information about reporting abuse.

Gangs Line – Information for parents/carers on gangs and youth violence.

Somebody else’s child – Information on private fostering.

Frank – Information for parents/carers on drugs and what to do if you are worried about your/a child.

Anti-Bullying Alliance – Information for parents/carers on bullying.

NSPCC – Information and advice about keeping children safe.

NSPCC – Child trafficking – Information on what child trafficking is.

NSPCC – Forced Marriage – Information, advice and guidance on forced marriage, including links to other websites.

NSPCC – What is Child Sexual Exploitation – Information on CSE, including signs, symptoms and effects.

B-eat – Guidance and support on eating disorders.

National Self Harm Network (NSHM) – Help and support on self-harm.

Withyou – One of the UK’s leading and largest special drug, alcohol and mental health treatment charities.

Internet Matters – Helping parents keep their children safe online.

Missing People – A charity that aims to support family and friends of those who go missing.