- Students are given the opportunity to explore issues at a local, national and international level from the medieval era through to the 21st century.
- Students can develop a broad understanding of the chronological development of British history, as well as being able to make links to other societies, cultures and world events.
- Students also develop essential skills to research thoroughly, to analyse evidence, to understand chronology, to evaluate interpretations and build reasoned arguments.
- Students are given the opportunity to explore different peoples’ perspectives on issues and events and think critically about the world in which they live.
KS3 Westbourne Journey History
KS4 Westbourne Journey History
Y7 Westbourne Curriculum Overview History
Y8 Westbourne Curriculum Overview History
Y9 Westbourne Curriculum Overview History
Y10 Westbourne Curriculum Overview History
Y11 Westbourne Curriculum Overview History
GCSE Examination Board: Edexcel
GCSE Assessment Method: 100% Examination:
Paper 1: Medicine in Britain, c1250-present (1 hour and 15 mins)
Paper 2: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88 & Superpower relations and the Cold War. (1 hour and 45 mins.)
Paper 3: Modern Depth Study: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39 (1 hours and 20 mins.)
Where History can take you:
History is a well-respected and valuable subject. Learning about the past and the development of the world you live in is enjoyable and encourages a deeper understanding of society and helps to make you a better, more rounded individual. Students learn to analyse and prioritise information in order to produce balanced conclusions. Such skills are highly desirable in many careers, such as law & the police, business management, the Media, Human Resources, politics and marketing, as well as more specialised jobs such as in heritage tourism, museums and of course teaching!