
  • Students should develop contextual knowledge of the world we live in and how physical and human processes affect this.
  • Students are competent in the geographical skills that apply to everyday contexts.
  • Students develop a love and passion for the subject which manifests itself in them taking a vested interest in global issues.
  • Students understand their role as a global citizen.


KS3 Westbourne Journey Geography

KS3 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Geography


KS4 Westbourne Journey Geography

KS4 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Geography


GCSE Examination Board: Eduqas B

GCSE Assessment Method – 100% Examination:

Paper 1: Investigating Geographical Issues (40%; 1 hour 45 minutes)

Paper 2: Problem Solving Geography (30%; 1 hour 30 minutes)

Paper 3: Applied Fieldwork Enquiry (30%; 1 hour 30 minutes)

Where Geography can take you: 

The possibilities with Geography are endless. Learning about the natural environment, humans influence on the earth and the wider society is enjoyable and can help to make you a better, more rounded individual. Studying Geography helps you to become an individual with an awareness of the planet we inhabit, this awareness is increasingly important as we further understand how humans can impact the earth both positively and negatively. The skills developed in Geography are used and respected in many different types of careers, there is no other subject that teaches you awareness of other places, improves your number skills and requires excellent problem solving. These are all highly desirable skills for employers – Geography is well respected in economics, administration and management, this might take you to government positions, engineering jobs, aid work or into the tourism industry – not all Geographers become Geography teachers! Geographers understand their role as a global citizen. Without Geography you are nowhere.