
The overarching aim of the Mathematics department is that all our students, regardless of background or ability, will become inquisitive, analytical and independent learners who can apply their mathematical understanding to real life.’

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum focuses on developing our students’ by teaching mathematical skills, applying thinking skills to questions and building a resilience to be able to tackle all mathematical tasks. This enables them to find patterns, predict outcomes and form sound understanding of the fundamental structures of maths.

At Key Stage 4 we aim to build on the foundations of Year 7 and 8 by continuing to explore new methods that will increase students’ knowledge of mathematical understanding, familiarising students with key concepts and ideas for long-term recall.


KS3 Westbourne Journey Maths

Y7 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Maths

Y8 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Maths

Y9 Westbourne Curriculum Overview Maths



KS4 Curriculum Journey Maths

KS4 – Curriculum Overviews (under development)



GCSE Details:

Examination Board: Edexcel GCSE Mathematics

Two Levels of Entry:

Foundation – Grades 1 – 5

Higher – Grades 4 – 9

Examination Board

At Westbourne we will be using the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics specification (9-1).

For full details visit the Edexcel website:

Final Examination

Paper 1 – Non-Calculator – Maximum 80 marks

Paper 2 – Calculator – Maximum 80 marks

Paper 3 – Calculator – Maximum 80 marks

Each paper lasts 90 minutes.

Students can be entered for either foundation or higher level, and this level of entry will determine what final grade they are able to achieve.

Where Mathematics can take you:

 GCSE mathematics is important for lots of different reasons.

If you are planning to go on to further study after GCSE then prospective sixth forms and colleges will be interested in your GCSE maths result. Future employers will also use your maths grade as indicator to your future potential.

There is the potential to study mathematics after GCSE by studying maths at AS or A Level.

GCSE mathematics will provide you with the skills to deal with numerical based problems in your everyday life. It will also help you to enhance logical thinking and problem solving skills that you may need to use in the future.