Sent on behalf of the NHS School Age Immunisation Service to Y9 parents and carers on 7/01/25
Year 9 MENACWY+DTP Vaccinations
Friday 4 April 2025
The NHS school age vaccination team are back at Westbourne Academy on the above date. They will be seeing all students in Year 9. On the day, classes will be escorted to the library by their class teacher when it is their turn to meet the vaccination team. Please ensure your child brings water to drink, eats breakfast and wears a short-sleeved shirt.
This booster dose of Dipthereia, Tetanus, Polio and Meningococcal vaccination ensures a young person’s immunity and protection against these diseases.
Please use the link below to view the letter for parents from the School Age Immunisation Team:
Y9 MenACWY DTP BAU 2024 25 Parent Suffolk Westbourne
Instructions are included in the above document on how to give parental consent on their online portal or withdraw your child from the vaccine process. You will need to complete the form for each child you have at Westbourne.
All queries about consent and the MENACWY+DTP vaccination should be made direct to Academy staff cannot take consent or withdraw your child.
Mrs E Pepper
Executive Administrator
Academy vision: Westbourne is an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential and develop the skills necessary for employment and life.
Academy values: Be Safe, Be Thoughtful, Be Accountable and Be Respectful.
General queries to: or 01473 742315
Attendance or Absence queries to: or 01473 466145
Exam queries to: or 01473 466108
MCAS and data information queries to:
SEND queries to: or 01473 466111