Emailed to parents and carers on 27/09/2024


Weekly Bulletin for Parents & Carers

w/c 27/09/24


Thank you to all the families who sent in cakes for today’s MacMillan Cake Sale, which was tremendously well supported by our whole community as always.  Proceeds are currently being counted and the House which has raised the most money will be announced next week, along with the winners of the coveted Best Baker Awards and the final sum raised.


Attendance Matters – “Attend today, achieve tomorrow” 

Education is your passport to the future, and good attendance is the stamp that gets you there.”


Focus for last week (w/c 16 September)

  • Academy attendance across Years 7-11 last week was 88.8%
  • 763 students across the academy had 100% attendance to school
  • The best House attendance was Nightingale with 91%
  • The best year group attendance was Year 7 with 91.7%
  • The best tutor group attendances was R1 with 98%
  • 594 students did not receive a single late mark and had 100% punctuality
  • The best House for punctuality to school and lessons was Ennis House
  • The best year group for punctuality to school and lessons was Year 7
  • The best tutor group for punctuality was N5 with just 11 lates all week between the whole form
  • 527 students currently have 100% attendance to school this academic year


MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)

The MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) app is our main point of communication and the means by which you can pay for dinner money, trips and other items such as ties. If you have not yet registered, please do so at your earliest convenience to ensure you have access to all the academy’s communications and services. A copy of the email and instructions sent to parents and carers can be found here on our website latest news page:

Change to Online Payment System from September 2024 – Westbourne Academy (


School Money & PayPoint Barcodes

After 31st July, School Money were instructed to ensure parents and carers could not continue to make payments online or via Paypoint. Unfortunately, this did not happen and parents and carers were able to continue to make payments.  Any balances from SM have now been transferred over to MCAS and the Trust have ensured that School Money access is now disabled.

If you previously had a PayPoint barcode attached to School Money which was used to pay for school meals then please destroy this. Payments made on the old barcodes will not be transferred over to MCAS. A new PayPoint barcode linked to your child’s MCAS account is available through the app. If you need assistance, please email or come along to our Tuesday Drop-in Clinic at 11:20-12:00 with your device.


WA Community Hub

Our next WA Community Hub is on Monday 30 September from 15:00 – 16:30. Bags of non-perishable food items are available in exchange for £2 in cash. There will also be stocks of sanitary products available to collect.


Flu Vaccinations at School

The school’s immunisation team will be with us on Monday 7 and Monday 14 October to give flu vaccinations to those students in all year groups who have had prior parental consent. On the day, class teachers will escort their students to the library when it is their turn. You can find a copy of the communication and a link to the online flu consent portal on our website latest news page here:

Flu Vaccinations for Years 7, 8 & 9 – Westbourne Academy (


Flu Vaccinations for Years 10 & 11 – Westbourne Academy (


Moon Hall Assessment Centre

The Moon Hall Assessment Centre will be coming to Westbourne Academy on Saturday 7 December 2024. Westbourne Academy students as well students from other ATT academies have early bird booking until Saturday 28 September. Bookings and requests for further information need to go to Moon Hall directly at If you have any queries, please let Miss Degville or myself know by emailing


Key Dates 2024/2025

Monday 30 September           – WA Community Hub 15:00-16:30

Thursday 3 October                – 14:30 early close for Year 6 Open Evening a 18:00-19:45

Friday 4 October                     – Deadline for Kittle photo orders to be delivered to school for free

Monday 7 October                  – Flu vaccinations for Y7, 8 and 9

Monday 14 October                – Flu vaccinations for Y10 and 11

Friday 18 October                   – Show Racism the Red Card Day

Monday 21 October                – WA Community Hub 15:00-16:30

Thursday 24 October              – Y11 Success Fayre 18:00 (details to follow)

Monday 28 October                – Half Term week until Friday 1 November

Monday 4 November              – Y11 careers trip to Suffolk Skills Show 13:30-15:00 (details to follow)

Monday 25 November            – WA Community Hub 15:00-16:30

Wednesday 27 November      – Y8 HPV vaccinations in the Library

Friday 29 November               – Staff PD Day – School closed to students

Friday 6 December                 – Y11 Progression Interviews in the Library

Monday 16 December            – Y11 Rewards Trip to Lakeside/Paintballing

Friday 20 December               – Whole school assembly P4 and early close at 13:30

Tuesday 14 January                – Y7-10 Careers Fayre in main hall (details to follow)

Friday 17 January                    – Y9 MENACWY+DTP vaccinations

Friday 27 June                         – Y11 Prom at All Manor of Events Henley



Mr M Higgon



Academy vision: Westbourne is an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential and develop the skills necessary for employment and life.

Academy values: Be Safe, Be Thoughtful, Be Accountable and Be Respectful.

General queries to: or 01473 742315

Attendance or Absence queries to: 

Exam queries to: 

Online payments and data information queries to:

SEND queries to: