Sent to parents and carers on 31/01/25
Weekly Bulletin for Friday 31/01/2025
It was a real pleasure to show our Acting CEO, Derek Trimmer, around the academy on Tuesday afternoon this week. We saw a range of lessons which included students working hard with strong engagement and high-quality teaching. These occasions really do highlight the good quality education on offer at Westbourne.
We continue to work on our behaviour curriculum and this week students have been learning about collaboration in tutor time. They have been producing some very interesting ‘bridge’ projects with their peers and I encourage you to discuss these at home!
Hospice Hare Winners!
The students whose designs were selected to be used in the final design of our Hare for the St Elizabeth Hospice Wild in Art Trail 2025 have been announced in tutor time. Students will need to meet with Mrs Roche in room S21 during lunchtime on Monday 3 February.
- Sophie M C4
- Rory D C2
- Alfie A C1
- Kayle L E8
- Summer B E4
- Nylah M E3
- Annielise M E2
- Tilly-Ann M N8
- Nichola B N6
You can see a few of the winning designs here:
Year 11 BTEC Food & Hospitality Controlled Assessment Dates
If your child is studying the above subject, you will be aware they started their Unit 2 Controlled Assessment in September 2024. This controlled assessment (CA) includes a practical cookery exam and is worth 60% of their final BTEC grade together with supporting written work. Please check your emails for details of the dates when your child will be taking their controlled assessment in school with Mrs Ewers or Mrs Brown. There are six different dates and students have each been assigned to a specific date. Queries may be sent to the Team Leader for Hospitality & Catering:
Year 11 Science PREs
Year 11 students have been given details during their Morning Meetings this week about the three Science PREs they will be taking under exam conditions after half term:
- Monday 24 February (Biology Paper 2) 11:20am start
- Tuesday 25 February (Chemistry Paper 2) 8:30am start
- Friday 28 February (Physics Paper 2) 8:30am start
Parents, carers and students can view the latest exam and assessment timetable on our website here:
Year 11 GCSE Music Exam Recording
If your child studies GCSE Music, Mr Perry and Miss Bishop will have given them details about when and where they should report to them next week to make their Music exam recordings. Text reminders are going out to parents and carers beforehand. Any queries may be sent to our Music Team Leader:
Year 11 Parent/Carer Evening
The parent/carer evening on Thursday 27 February will be an in-person event in the main hall between 4 – 7pm. Parents and carers will receive a separate email the week before half term to let them know when the booking window is open.
Copleston Sixth Form Open Day
Mr Payne has today emailed Year 11 students with information about an open morning being held at Copleston Sixth Form on Saturday 8 February.
Year 10 Battlefields Trip – July 2025 (Place Available)
A place has become available on the Year 10 Battlefields Trip if any Year 10 History or RS students are interested. If so. could they please go and see Mr Archer in C24 on Wednesday 5 February at the start of lunch time at 13:20. Queries may be sent to Teacher of History and Battlefields Trip Leader:
Books Wanted!
Our Library Manager, Mrs Malik, is delighted to announce that this huge collection of brand new and donated books will be going out on the library shelves over the next few weeks.
Any donations of good-quality children’s books would be gratefully received and may be dropped off at Reception week days in term time from 8am – 3.45pm (3.15pm on Fridays).
Reminder: Parent/Carer Survey
If you have not already done so, please take part and have your say in our parent/carer survey. Information was emailed on 13 January but you can also find it on our website news page here:
Parent Survey: Learning, Expectations & Engagement – Westbourne Academy
Student Absence
Please ensure if your child is absent from the academy, that you have notified the attendance office at the earliest opportunity on each day they are not going to be in school, in order to prevent the automated text messages being sent / absence calls being made to parents/carers – these commence from 8.35am each day.
The ways in which you can contact the academy to inform us of student absence can be found on our website here.
Attendance Matters – “Attend today, achieve tomorrow”
“Education is your passport to the future, and good attendance is the stamp that gets you there.”
Attendance Focus for wc 20/1/25
- academy attendance across years 7-11 for the year to date is 87.8%
- academy attendance across years 7-11 last week was 86.8%
- 696 students across the academy had 100% attendance to school last week
- the best House attendance was Nightingale with 87.6%
- the best year group attendance was Year 8 with 88.4%
- the best tutor group for attendance were E9 with 99%
- 550 students did not receive a single late mark last week and had 100% punctuality
- the best House for punctuality to school and lessons was Ennis House
- the best year group for punctuality to school and lessons was Year 11
- the best tutor group for punctuality last week was C6 with just 13 lates between the whole form
- 171 students currently have 100% attendance to school this academic year
Praise & Reward Update
- 852 students received positive points during last week in their lessons for exemplary behaviour or attendance
- 14,650 positive points were awarded to students during last week
EAL Parent & Carer Drop-in Café
On Wednesday 12 February, Miss McEvoy and her colleagues will be hosting a parent and carer drop-in café between 10am and 2pm. This event is open to parents and carers of students who speak English as an additional language. Queries may be sent to
Food Hall Menus
The menus on offer for the next three weeks in our Food Hall next week can be found here: Catering & Food Hall – Westbourne Academy:
- w/c 3 February – menu 3
- wc 10 February – menu 1
- wc 24 February – menu 2
SCC School Travel Policy
Suffolk County Council’s (SCC) School Travel Policy has been amended to comply with the Department for Education’s Travel to school for children of compulsory school age Statutory guidance for local authorities, which replaces the previous Home to school travel and transport guidance. SCC have also taken the opportunity to make some minor text changes which add clarity and consistency to the policy. These changes do not require public consultation or affect the meaning or scope of the policy, in terms of the eligibility criteria for SCC funded school travel. This policy has been published on the Suffolkonboard website.
MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)
If you have not yet registered, please do so at your earliest convenience to ensure you have access to all the academy’s communications and services. A copy of the email and instructions sent to parents and carers can be found here on our website latest news page:
Cashless System – Westbourne Academy
Staff PD Days 2025
Some students have asked if Friday 7 February is a staff PD day, we confirm that it is not and that we are open as normal. For clarity, the two remaining staff PD days when the academy is closed to students are as follows:
- Friday 28 March 2025
- Friday 20 June 2025
Key Dates 2025
Friday 3 February – Closure of Parent Survey online
Monday 10 February – WA Community Hub 3.15-4.30pm
Thursday 27 February – Y11 In-Person Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm
Thursday 13 March – Y9 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm
Monday 31 March – WA Community Hub 3.15-4.30pm
Thursday 3 April – Y10 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm
Friday 4 April – Y9 MENACWY+DTP vaccinations
Friday 4 April – Y11 friendship & panoramic year group photos p5
Thursday 24 April – Y9 Pathway Evening 6-7.45pm
Thursday 19 June – Y8 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm
Wed 25 & Thu 26 June – Year 6 Transition Days for pupils offered a school place for Sep 2025
Friday 27 June – Y11 Prom at All Manor of Events Henley
Thursday 3 July – Y7 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm
You can view our academy events calendar together with term dates and PD days on our website here: Academy Calendar and Term Dates – Westbourne Academy
4YP Spring Half Term Holiday Activities
4YP are hosting a week long Half Term Holiday Programme. Activities for 8-11 years will run on Monday 17 February and Tuesday 18 February. For older children, (12-16 years), activities take place on Wednesday 19 February and Thursday 20 February. Friday 21 February will be for those aged 16+. Please see their flyer for the programme showing the different themes for each day.
All activities and lunches are provided free by 4YP. Activities will be taking place at the 4YP Hub, 14 Lower Brook St, Ipswich, IP4 1AP. The flyer and the sign-up form are also available to view and download on the 4YP website:
Ipswich Fit
Ipswich Fit have asked schools to share information about their February half term holiday programme with parents and carers. They offer an exciting programme of Arts and Crafts, family roller-skating, Mermaid splashtastic and more! Full details and bookings are via their website:
Kind regards
Mr M Higgon
Academy vision: Westbourne is an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential and develop the skills necessary for employment and life.
Academy values: Be Safe, Be Thoughtful, Be Accountable and Be Respectful.
General queries to: or 01473 742315
Attendance or Absence queries to:
Exam queries to:
MCAS, online payments and data information queries to:
SEND queries to: