Sent to parents and carers on 12/11/24

Weekly Bulletin for 22/11/2024


It feels like winter has arrived this week, although the forecast for those of us who will be standing on touchlines at the weekend is, mercifully, slightly warmer!

We have been reminding our students this week of our expectations around behaviour in the corridors and in between lessons.  We have a small number of students who do need reminding to walk quietly around the academy, and who need to ensure they know what lessons they have that day before they come to school.  All students are provided with a copy of their timetable at the start of term, and anyone who has misplaced it can still check on Satchel One or with their tutor in the morning.

It is also vitally important that young people learn the importance of arriving on time to commitments, including lessons.  I would be grateful if you could speak to your child(ren) about how important being on time is within the world of work to support them in this important area of personal development.


Who to Contact 

Parents and carers often have concerns about their child that they wish to share with staff at Westbourne, but are not always sure who the best person to contact is.  In order to support you with this, we have created the attached help guide.  If you are not sure of the name of the member of staff you need to contact, you can always email and we will be able to forward your message on for you.

WA Who To Contact NOV24


Adverse Weather Procedure

The closure of Westbourne Academy under severe weather conditions follows a precise procedure. In a time of severe weather (flood, fog, snow, high winds etc) we will update this website with regular information as to whether the school is closed. The decision is normally made around 7am on each day.

The Local Authority also has a website dedicated to providing information on any school closures, and this can be found at

We use the MCAS app and a text messaging service to keep parents and carers informed of any unplanned closures or changes to the school day.  It is therefore very important that parents and carers tell us of any change to their mobile phone number and/or email address.

Announcements are also given on local radio stations; please listen to the following stations from 7.00am for any announcement of closure:

BB Radio Suffolk 103.9FM

Town 102 102 FM


Student Absence

Please ensure that if your child is absent from the academy, that you have notified the attendance office at the earliest opportunity on each day they are not going to be in school – a voicemail can be left 24 hours a day, you do not need to wait until 8.00am to call in.

Early notification will prevent automated text messages being sent / absence calls being made to parents/carers, as these commence from 8.35am each day.

All of the various ways in which you can contact the academy to inform us of student absence can be found on our website here. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Attendance Matters – “Attend today, achieve tomorrow” 

Education is your passport to the future, and good attendance is the stamp that gets you there.”

 Attendance Focus for w/c: 11/11/24

  • academy attendance across years 7-11 for the year to date is 88.6%
  • academy attendance across years 7-11 last week was 87.7%
  • 700 students across the academy had 100% attendance to school last week
  • the best House attendance was Nightingale with 89.4%
  • the best year group attendance was Year 7 with 90.8%
  • the best tutor group attendance was E9 with 95.2%
  • 565 students did not receive a single late mark last week and had 100% punctuality
  • the best House for punctuality to school and lessons was Ramsey House
  • the best year group for punctuality to school and lessons was Year 7
  • the best tutor group for punctuality last week was C6 with just 6 lates between the whole form
  • 280 students currently have 100% attendance to school this academic year


Praise & Reward Update

  • 842 students received positive points during last week in their lessons for exemplary behaviour or attendance
  • 10, 860 positive points were awarded to students during last week


Y8 HPV Vaccinations: Wednesday 27 November 2024

If parents/carers of Year 8 students have not yet given consent or withdrawn their child from the HPV vaccination programme for schools, please follow the hyperlink here for instructions:

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations – Westbourne Academy

The nursing team will be in school between 9am – 1pm on Wednesday 27 November to see Year students. They will make calls on the day to parents and carers who have not responded at all.


Christmas Lunch: Thursday 19 December

An email was sent to parents and carers last week about the Christmas Lunch that is on offer on the above date. In order for your child to have the Christmas Lunch, it must be ordered in advance on our MS Form by the closing date of Thursday 28 November at 16:00. This also applies to children in receipt of Free School Meals, a ticket must also be requested for them to have the lunch. Once the deadline has passed, no late additions will be accepted. A copy of the email can be found on our website news page here:

Christmas Lunch Menu: Thursday 19 December 2024 – Westbourne Academy


Discretionary Grants from the Household Support Fund

Suffolk County Council is pleased to confirm that the Government announced a six-month extension to the above fund from September 2024 to March 2025. This funding has enabled SCC to support families in receipt of Free School Meals with supermarket vouchers in holiday periods since 2021. The grant will be issued as a £30 supermarket voucher for each eligible child from their provider Pluxee and is designed to help families with their essential living costs during the holiday.


MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) & Academic Reports (Autumn Term)

If you have not yet registered, please do so at your earliest convenience to ensure you have access to all the academy’s communications and services. A copy of the email and instructions sent to parents and carers can be found here on our website latest news page:

Cashless System – Westbourne Academy

Reports for students in Years 7 to 10 will be shared with parents and carers before the end of term via the MCAS app.


Ipswich Fit – Kids Swim Free to 31/12/2024

We have been asked to share the following offer with parents and carers on behalf of the Crown Pools Ipswich Fit:

Ipswich Fit Kids Swim Free Voucher To 31DEC24 


Whitton Times

We have been asked to share the following copy of the latest Whitton Times with our academy community:

Whitton Times Christmas 2024


Ipswich Sea Cadets for Year 7 & 8

Suffolk schools have been asked to share the following information about opportunities within Ipswich Sea Cadets with parents and carers of Year 7 and 8 students:

Sea Cadets Overview For Y7 & Y8 NOV24


Congestion on Marlow Road

Whilst the renovation works are completed on the new vehicle entrance gate to the right of school, nearest the park, we would ask parents and carers to please be mindful of adding to congestion on Marlow Road at drop off and pick up times. Please avoid blocking the vehicle access gates to the visitor car park and also to the staff and community car park. We also have articulated trucks parking outside the front of school from time to time, with deliveries for school, because they cannot park any closer.


Key Dates 2024/2025

Monday 25 November            – WA Community Hub 15:00-16:30

Tuesday 26 November            – Y11 theatre performance in main hall 14:00-15:15

Wednesday 27 November      – Y8 HPV vaccinations in the Library for those with consent

Friday 29 November               – Staff PD Day – School is closed to students

Friday 6 December                 – Y11 Progression Interviews in the Library 9am-3pm

Saturday 14 December           – Christmas Fayre & Community Hub 11am-3pm

Monday 16 December            – Y11 Rewards Trip to Lakeside (invites to follow)

Thursday 19 December          – Christmas Lunch available for those who pre-order it

Friday 20 December               – Whole school virtual assembly P4 and early close at 13:30

Tuesday 14 January                – Y7-10 Careers Fayre in main hall (details to follow)

Thursday 27 February             – Y11 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm

Thursday 13 March                 – Y9 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm

Thursday 3 April                      – Y10 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm

Friday 4 April                           – Y9 MENACWY+DTP vaccinations

Friday 4 April                           – Y11 friendship & panoramic year group photo p5

Thursday 24 April                    – Y9 Pathway Evening 6-7.45pm

Thursday 19 June                    – Y8 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm

Friday 27 June                         – Y11 Prom at All Manor of Events Henley

Thursday 3 July                       – Y7 Virtual Parent/Carer Evening 4-7pm


You can view our academy events calendar together with term dates and PD days on our website here: Academy Calendar and Term Dates – Westbourne Academy


Kind regards

Mr M Higgon



Academy vision: Westbourne is an inclusive academy. We support all students, regardless of starting point, to achieve their potential and develop the skills necessary for employment and life.

Academy values: Be Safe, Be Thoughtful, Be Accountable and Be Respectful.

General queries to: or 01473 742315

Attendance or Absence queries to: 

Exam queries to: 

MCAS, online payments and data information queries to:

SEND queries to: