Delivery to Y6 Parents and Carers at primary partner schools in July 204
Year 6 Open Evening – Thursday 3 October 2024
Time: (18:00 – 20:00)
We know how important it is when parents are choosing a secondary school for their children. Here at Westbourne Academy we believe that we provide an effective level of support and challenge for all students to thrive. We are a rapidly improving as well as an over-subscribed, Ofsted graded Good school, which is celebrating better GCSE results and significant progress year on year.
You are invited to attend our annual Open Evening on Thursday 3 October 2024. The main purpose of the evening is to give you an opportunity to visit the academy, meet with our staff and students and experience many aspects of the life and work of Westbourne. If you have not visited before, please do come along and see for yourself what an exciting and positive place it is.
During the evening, you will be able to visit displays and exhibitions as well as see students working with teachers in classrooms and other areas. Student guides will be available to show you around and to give you their perspective of life at the academy. You will also have an opportunity to meet our new Principal, Mr Higgon, who starts in September as well as meet with other members of the senior leadership team and our SENDCO.
For the safety of our staff, students and other parents younger and older siblings (unless they are student guides) should please remain at home. Between 18:00 – 18:30, we are opening entrance points on A and B gates as well as main Reception, to ease congestion at the start. There will also be additional vehicle parking along the front of the school, nearest the park.
Once again, we are also offering parents an opportunity to have a tour of the academy during the school day. These will take place daily up until half term, starting on Monday 7 October and will start at 9am or 10am, lasting just under one hour. To book a place, please contact my PA, Mrs Cooper on 01473 466131. Due to the fact that pupils would normally be in school at this time, the school day tours are for parents/carers only.
Applications for transfer to high school in the normal year of admission are dealt with through Suffolk County Council’s Admissions Team. Further details and guidance on applying for a high school place can be found on our academy website on our Admissions page. Pupils who are subsequently offered a place at Westbourne Academy by the local authority will be invited to take part in two transition days which are planned for Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 June 2025.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank your child’s Headteacher for allowing me to write to you. My colleagues and I look forward to welcoming you to Westbourne Academy on Thursday 3 October 2024.
Mrs M Woodhouse
Vice Principal