Sent to parents and carers of Year 11 students in 11xSc1 on 3/02/25
Class 11xSC1 (Ph1)
I remember speaking to many of you during the GCSE options pathway evening back in Year 9 and discussing the importance of selecting the best science GCSE course for each student. As I am sure you are aware, students in 11×1 have been working towards gaining individual GCSE grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Triple Science) this year.
With the Y11 PRE-outcomes fresh in our minds, I have this morning, discussed the final decision regarding continuing with the triple science route or changing to the combined science route. The table below summarises the main differences between the two options:
Combined Science | Triple Science |
Awarded 3 GCSE grades (in Biology, Chemistry and Physics) | Awarded 2 GCSE grades (called combined science) |
Six 75-minute exams in May/June | Six 100-minute exams in May/June |
Advised for those wishing to study a Science A level but not essential | Suitable for those wishing to study a Science A level |
Given the demands of Triple Science, some students may now wish to focus on the Combined Science course, as whilst being no less challenging, contains two thirds of the content of Triple Science. However, students may wish to continue with Triple Science as they have applied to post-16 providers on the basis of studying this course.
I have asked students to reflect over the coming week and discuss with parents and carers before informing me which course they would like to be entered for by Monday 10 February. I will visit their science lesson on this date and collect final choices.
Rest assured that whatever choice is made, students will remain in the same group and will be fully supported in preparing thoroughly for their final GCSE exams. If you would like further advice, please do not hesitate to contact me either via email or phone.
Kind regards
Mr G Russell
Team Leader of Science
Direct Tel: 01473 466118
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